Trio-Tech Chongqing is a 100% owned subsidiary of Trio-Tech International, a company listed on the United States stock exchange. Trio-Tech Chongqing was established in 2007 in Chongqing, China to enter into the real estate business, in view of the growth potential in the Chongqing real estate business.

Since operations started in 2007, we have seen steady returns and good return of investments with a number of profitable residential and commercial projects with strategic partners in China.

Trio-Tech Chongqiing invests in properties in Chongqing and generates income from rental and investments in property developments.

Some of the projects we have invested in include:

  • Fuli Haiyang 富力海洋广场 ( above)
  • Jinyun Residences 缙云华府 left)
  • Mao Ye 茂业 · 东方时代广场 ( below right)
  • Yu Jing Jiang An 御景江岸 ( below left)

The company is currently investing in the development of a hotel resort as well as residential properties in Hechuan.

For more information on this project and investment opportunities, please contact our respective offices :

Ms Stephanie Yong :

Mr Long Jia :


重庆市合川区黄金桥街黄金湖畔 27-5 邮号 : 401520
(#27-05 Huang Jin Fu Pan, 26 HuangJinQiao Street HeChuan District, ChongQing 401520 P.R. China )
Office Tel: (86) 23 428 84933